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About Me

My Journey in the Arts


I am an aspiring actress from Worthing, West Sussex. I have always been involved in theatre, as I was born into a theatrical family. My mother is a professional singer and has performed in west end/touring productions, my Uncle a musician, and my grandparents met in amateur dramatics! 

As a child, I was put into dance classes from the age of three, and did every discipline imaginable. I have taken many exams over the years and participated in Festivals all around Sussex. With my dance school, I competed in ‘All England Dance’ as well as being a member of ‘Team England’ in the ‘Dance World Cup.’ I then went on to have singing lessons, which I also took examinations in as well as competing. It was only when I was 14 that I had a desire to act, and started attending speech and drama sessions. I received a Distinction in my Bronze and Silver Medal examinations, and am looking to the future where I will take my Gold medal and work towards a diploma. In an Arts festival, I was the winner of the Finals and was awarded ‘Festival Performer of the Year’, having achieved the highest marks across several classes in 2014. It’s from then on I realised that acting was my passion, although I still train just as hard at other performance skills.

I have been a member of a few amateur dramatics’ companies in my local area since being a child. As a Youth member of WMCS, I grew up into the adult company. I performed in many productions with them, where I then went on to play leads.  

When I was 19, I went to an open audition for Disneyland Paris, in London. At the end of the audition rounds I was offered a contract as a character and parade performer. Two years later, I have completed my contract with them, and returned for a second. I loved every minute of the job, and am grateful for the opportunity to have my first professional contract with such a reputable company. 

Since returning from Paris, I have been auditioning for drama schools, to further my training and progress further as a professional in the industry. After a lot of hard work, I am so pleased to say that I have gained a place at LIPA, starting September 2020.  You can read about my drama school audition journey as well as my fundraising endeavours to get me there under ‘Fundraising’. I am having to raise £17,000 to cover the costs of a year living in Liverpool and training at Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts myself, as my course isn’t eligible for government finance. 

Thank you for supporting me on this path I am just starting on. I can't wait to see what happens next!

Abi x

About Me: Bio
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